Customised solutions delivered in your company

Unique methodology


87.8% satisfied customers

(Voice of Customer Score)

Net Promoter Score 49.3

Indicating excellence

Training in 80 countries & over 30 languages


The Dale Carnegie methodology identifies the challenges and opportunities unique to your organisation and provides a customised solution backed up by sustainable learning and accountability.

Performance Change Pathway™:

This is conversations to understand your business context and the changes that you want to see happening as a result of the work we do together.

This is to create buy in both the people attending the programme, their line manager and other key stakeholders to ensure everyone is aligned around the purpose of the project.

The Dale Carnegie programme experience is unique. The atmosphere and environment created plus the skill of our world class trainers bring about long term sustainable change in the performance of the people who attend.

Sustainment sessions are about accountability and refreshment. After 30, 60, 90 days they will report back on their application and the impact on improved performance.

Once our programmes are completed, clients are keen to evaluate and measure success. Identify observable behaviour change and the impact on key business indicators.


This is the Dale Carnegie ISO 9001 Certified Design Process to ensure we get things right for clients. These 8 steps ensure we identify the right areas and design and deliver the right solution for your business.

  • 1Accurate Needs Assessment
  • 2Stakeholder Interviews
  • 3Specific Goals / Objectives Documentation
  • 4Relevant Examples Identified
  • 5Trainer Preparation
  • 6Exercise / Practice Trailoring
  • 7Your Organisation's Feedback
  • 8Session to Session Adjustment


The only global training company that is ISO certified.